Friday, May 30, 2008

God's perfect timing

Ok, most of you who know me are probably thinking by the title that I have some wonderful announcement about me being pregnant. I wish I could say that, but I can't....not at this point anyway. The perfect timing I'm talking about has to do with something that happened last night. We had worship team practice and I was supposed to give our guitar player a book for his mom before he left. Well, we both forgot. I had it with me, but I just didn't give it to him. So I was desperate to get it to him (long story behind it). Since they live in a town that is 35 minutes away from Dighton I thought that we could meet someone halfway. So plans were made and that's what we did. The book was given to the right person and everything was good. Except for the fact that it was late (almost midnight) and Scott was getting a little edgy, as well as me. We were like 6 mile from home when we saw a vehicle in the ditch. At first we couldn't tell if it was upside-down. Thank goodness it was right-side up. But from the look of it the guy in the vehicle had quite the ride into the ditch. Ok, to help you picture why this happened a little better I need to mention that it was raining very hard. At times we couldn't even see the road (and I think it hailed just a little bit at one point). So it was obvious that this guy had hydroplaned and lost control. So we were able to give him a ride to his parents house who lived past Shields a ways. Scott and I realized that we could not be mad about having to bring the book halfway to Ness City because if we had not had to do that, we would already have been home when this guy went into the ditch....and he would have been there a long time because at midnight that road is very dead. We realized that God allowed a situation for us to help this guy. So the moral of the story is.....When a situation seems to be an inconvenience, look for the blessing that God has waiting for you. Sometimes it's in helping someone (like we did) and sometimes it's an unseen blessing of maybe avoiding an accident or something. You just never know. This was a lesson that my family stuck to when I was growing up. We were always having car trouble or getting lost (It's a Pollock thing) but we always tried to thank God for an unseen blessing of safety, or even thanked him for meeting the people we got to meet had it not been for our "troubles." God knows what is going on and has perfect timing for everything in life.

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